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December 27, 2008 admin 0

With the encouragement of Francois Mauriac, Elie Wiesel broke his silence on the horror of the Holocaust to produce an 800-page memoir entitled, Un di […]

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Eliezer Wiesel

December 27, 2008 admin 0

No other individual is so identified with the Holocaust-its memory and its prevention-as Wiesel. He was born in 1928 in Sighet, Romania, to Shlomo (a […]

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Plot Summary

December 27, 2008 admin 0

A Sighet Night opens with a description of Moshe the Beadle, a poor Jew in Sighet, who is teaching Jewish mysticism to young Eliezer. After […]

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December 27, 2008 admin 0

A Alphonse In the concentration camps, the best heads of the block to be under are Jews. When Elie is transferred to the musicians’ block […]

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December 27, 2008 admin 0

A Death “Someone began to recite the Kaddish, the prayer for the dead. I do not know if it has ever happened before, in the […]

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December 27, 2008 admin 0

A Narrative The novella is a short piece of fiction that is based on the author’s 800-page memoir of his time in the Nazi death […]

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Historical Perspective

December 27, 2008 admin 0

A The Eisenhower Years Eisenhower was re-elected in 1956 to continue his leadership of an America that had emerged literally overnight as the most awesome […]

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December 27, 2008 admin 0

How does Elie arrive at the conclusion that he is stronger than God? There is passing reference in the novel to an Oberkapos who was […]

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Compare and Contrast

December 27, 2008 admin 0

1956: The Holocaust, outside of Israel, is not discussed. The nearest approach is the reworking of Anne Frank’s story for the stage. Today: Ignoring the […]

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About the Author

December 27, 2008 admin 0

The image that emerges from Richard Wright’s collection of autobiographical short stories, Uncle Tom’s Children, is that of a lonely and troubled childhood. Born September […]