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December 8, 2008 admin 0

As in his other novels, Cormier’s primary aim in this work is to confront and examine the plight of young adults enmeshed in a world […]

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December 8, 2008 admin 0

Like Cormier’s other novels, I Am the Cheese is set in small-town New England. In this case, Adam Farmer (formerly Paul Delmonte of Pennsylvania) lives […]

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Themes and Characters

December 8, 2008 admin 0

Because of its intentionally ambiguous characters and structure, it is not easy to construct a clear analysis of this novel. A detailed attempt to solve […]

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Literary Qualities

December 8, 2008 admin 0

Critical reaction to I Am the Cheese has taken two directions. Many readers find the novel a mind-boggling, deliberately confusing detective story with no real […]

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Social Sensitivity

December 8, 2008 admin 0

To parents and educators familiar with Cormier, I Am the Cheese will seem an extension of the author’s indictment of American government and society. Here, […]

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Topics for Discussion

December 8, 2008 admin 0

1. It is not until late in the novel that Adam discovers his secret past. What earlier indications are there that his parents are hiding […]

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Ideas for Reports and Papers

December 8, 2008 admin 0

1. Cormier’s novels are often compared to J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye and John Knowles’s A Separate Peace. Research critical opinion on […]

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About the Author

December 8, 2008 admin 0

Edward Morgan Forster was born on January 1, 1879, in Coventry, England. His father died when he was only a year and a half old, […]

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December 8, 2008 admin 0

When Howards End was published in 1910, critics generally agreed it surpassed E. M. Forster’s earlier novels. Forster had arrived as an important author, and […]