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Compare and Contrast

December 21, 2008 admin 0

1920s: In Britain, the Labour Party rises to power, women get the right to vote, and the first major wave of communication and travel technologies […]

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Further Reading

December 21, 2008 admin 0

To the Lighthouse (1927) was Woolf’s next novel, after the success of Mrs. Dalloway. It concerns a large family spending a summer at the seaside, […]

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About the Author

December 21, 2008 admin 0

Raymond Douglas Bradbury was born on August 22, 1920, in Waukegan, Illinois, to Leonard Spaulding and Esther Moberg Bradbury. He began his writing career while […]

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December 21, 2008 admin 0

The Martian Chronicles is a haunting collection of short stories that chronicles humankind’s colonization of Mars. Bradbury opens the volume with tales of the first […]

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December 21, 2008 admin 0

The Martian Chronicles presents a series of connected tales ranging in time from January 1999 to October 2026. Most of the stories are set on […]

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Themes and Characters

December 21, 2008 admin 0

Underlying Bradbury’s futuristic writing is an enormous nostalgia for the simplicity of wholesome, early-20th-century, small-town life. This nostalgia infuses both The Martian Chronicles and many […]

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Literary Qualities

December 21, 2008 admin 0

Bradbury was for years science fiction’s premier literary stylist and, although his heavy use of adjectives and metaphors can seem cloying today, he remains one […]

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Social Sensitivity

December 21, 2008 admin 0

Bradbury’s social and political philosophy has always been humanist, liberal, pacifist, and populist, and the stories in The Martian Chronicles frequently reflect these positions. “Way […]

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About the Author

December 21, 2008 admin 0

Eve Curie was born on December 6, 1904, in Paris, France. The younger of two daughters to Nobel Prize-winning scientists Pierre and Marie Curie, Eve […]