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Themes and Characters

December 21, 2008 admin 0

The role of storytelling in Native American culture is a theme central to all of Silko’s work. “Lullaby” appears in a collection that is especially […]

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Literary Qualities

December 21, 2008 admin 0

“Lullaby” is told from the third-person-restricted point of view. That means that, although the narrator is not a character in the story, the perspective of […]

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Social Sensitivity

December 21, 2008 admin 0

Silko was part of a new generation of Native American writers who emerged in the 1970s in what has been termed the Native American Renaissance […]

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Ideas and Topics for Papers

December 21, 2008 admin 0

VII TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION 1. The 1970s, during which Silko’s short story “Lullaby” was first written, were a significant time in the history of Native […]

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About the Author

December 21, 2008 admin 0

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born January 3, 1892, in Bloemfontein, South Africa, where his father was a bank manager. After his father’s death, four-year-old […]

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December 21, 2008 admin 0

In The Lord of the Rings Tolkien has demonstrated the evolution of a literary world. In The Hobbit, often considered a prologue to the trilogy, […]

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December 21, 2008 admin 0

Physically Middle-earth resembles modern Earth. It is the inhabitants that add the touch of unreality that a reader expects in what Tolkien calls a “secondary” […]

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Themes and Characters

December 21, 2008 admin 0

The enduring conflict between good and evil is the underlying theme of the trilogy, but Tolkien develops others in connection with it. He explores the […]

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Literary Qualities

December 21, 2008 admin 0

At the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring, Tolkien deliberately links the trilogy to its predecessor, The Hobbit. He describes the return of Bilbo, […]