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January 26, 2009 admin 0

A Okonkwo Out of awe and respect, the Ibo tribe refers to Okonkwo as “Roaring Flame.” Fiery of temper with a blazing appearance, Okonkwo strikes […]

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January 26, 2009 admin 0

A Custom and Tradition Okonkwo’s struggle to live up to what he perceives as “traditional” standards of masculinity, and his failure to adapt to a […]

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January 26, 2009 admin 0

A Tragedy Things Fall Apart chronicles the double tragedies of the deaths of Okonkwo, a revered warrior, and the Ibo, the tribe to which Okonkwo […]

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Historical Perspective

January 26, 2009 admin 0

A Tribal Society Things Fall Apart was published in 1958 just prior to Nigerian independence, but it depicts precolonial Africa. Achebe felt it was important […]

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January 26, 2009 admin 0

How does the displacement from one’s culture affect a person psychologically? Explain possible reactions a person might have and the steps someone might take to […]

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Compare and Contrast

January 26, 2009 admin 0

1800s: Prior to colonization, common language and geography differentiated African societies. Six types of societies existed: hunting and gathering societies, cattle-herding societies, forest dwellers, fishermen, […]

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January 26, 2009 admin 0

When Uncle Tom’s Cabin was first published in 1852, no one-least of all its author, Harriet Beecher Stowe-expected the book to become a sensation, but […]

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Harriet Beecher Stowe

January 26, 2009 admin 0

Harriet Beecher Stowe seemed destined to write a powerful protest novel like Uncle Tom’s Cabin: her father was Lyman Beecher, a prominent evangelical preacher, and […]

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Plot Summary

January 26, 2009 admin 0

Following three slaves and their experiences in and out of slavery, Stowe’s novel deals with the effects of slavery on both blacks and whites in […]

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January 26, 2009 admin 0

A Adolph Dolph Augustine St. Clare’s personal slave, Adolph, is something of a dandy. He wears his master’s castoff elegant clothing and looks down on […]