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January 25, 2009 admin 0

To Kill a Mockingbird is set in the 1930s in Maycomb, Alabama, a town so small and insular that, according to Scout, her father is […]

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Themes and Characters

January 25, 2009 admin 0

The central Characters of To Kill a Mockingbird are Jean Louise (Scout), Jeremy Atticus (Jem), and Atticus Finch. Scout, precocious and outspoken, possesses a quick […]

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Literary Qualities

January 25, 2009 admin 0

Lee neatly structures her novel around a dual plot and dual Themes; the novel is evenly divided into two parts. In her graceful, understated style, […]

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Social Sensitivity

January 25, 2009 admin 0

To Kill a Mockingbird is about two deeply disturbing subjects: r-a-p-e and racism. Lee addresses both subjects with grave sensitivity. The details regarding Mayella Ewell’s […]

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Topics for Discussion

January 25, 2009 admin 0

1. Scout describes her father’s first law case in this way: “His first two clients were the last two persons hanged in the Maycomb County […]

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About the Author

January 25, 2009 admin 0

Herbert George Wells was born in Bromley, Kent, England, on September 21, 1866. His father was an unprosperous shop keeper, his mother a head housekeeper […]

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January 25, 2009 admin 0

The Time Machine is deservedly considered a science fiction classic. In it, Wells creates the intriguing world of the Morlocks and the Eloi, based on […]

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January 25, 2009 admin 0

Geographically the story is confined to a small area near the Thames River in South Kensington, a suburb of London; it is the shift in […]

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Themes and Characters

January 25, 2009 admin 0

The human Characters at the start of the story represent some of the types of people with whom Wells himself interacted. Each of these Characters-editor, […]