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January 21, 2009 admin 0

A Coming-of-Age In some respects, Milkman’s story is a classic Bildungsroman, a coming-of-age story about the moral and psychological development of the main character. However, […]

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January 21, 2009 admin 0

A Motif The main motif in Song of Solomon is flying: the novel begins with Robert Smith’s flight from the roof of Mercy Hospital and […]

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Historical Perspective

January 21, 2009 admin 0

A Post-World War I America Though Song of Solomon is set during the 1950s and 60s, much of its action results from events that happened […]

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January 21, 2009 admin 0

One of the catalysts for Guitar’s increased involvement in politics is the Emmett Till case. Discuss the impact of Emmett Till’s lynching on the political […]

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Compare and Contrast

January 21, 2009 admin 0

1963: President Kennedy is assassinated, plunging all Americans into mourning. 1970s: President Nixon resigns after being implicated in the Watergate scandal. Today: President Clinton is […]

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About the Author

January 19, 2009 admin 0

Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899, in Oak Park, Illinois, the son of Clarence and Grace Hemingway. His first published works appeared in […]

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January 19, 2009 admin 0

First published in the August, 1936, issue of Esquire, “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” has been called Hemingway’s short story masterpiece. He wrote the story after […]

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Themes and Characters

January 19, 2009 admin 0

Harry, the protagonist of the story, is a writer. As he lies near death on a cot in the African wilds, his thoughts go back […]

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Literary Qualities

January 19, 2009 admin 0

Hemingway’s masterpiece is divided by printer’s regular type for the main story and italics for the flashbacks that take place in Harry’s mind. The imagined […]

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Topics for Discussion

January 19, 2009 admin 0

1. Hemingway had heard about the frozen carcass of a leopard on Mount Kilimanjaro from a former safari guide. Why did he begin his story […]