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Themes and Characters

January 11, 2009 admin 0

Jane Austen is a keen observer of human behavior. She shows that while men and women often think too highly of themselves, deceive or flatter […]

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Literary Qualities

January 11, 2009 admin 0

Pride and Prejudice is an exciting, suspenseful story. The novel does not drag, for Austen writes succinctly and structures a tight plot. The story is […]

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Social Sensitivity

January 11, 2009 admin 1

Pride and Prejudice contains no violent or explicit scenes and adults should feel comfortable that it is appropriate for young readers. Nevertheless, the novel does […]

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Ideas and Topics for Papers

January 11, 2009 admin 0

VII TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Reread the first two sentences of chapter 1. Does the novel demonstrate those sentences to be true? Why do families […]

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Related Titles and Adaptations

January 11, 2009 admin 0

Sense and Sensibility deals with the fortunes in romance of Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, daughters who could not inherit their father’s property and thus are […]

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About the Author

January 11, 2009 admin 0

Graham Greene was born October 2, 1904, at Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England, the fourth of six children. His exposure to books at an early age fueled […]

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Setting and Overview

January 11, 2009 admin 0

II OVERVIEW The Power and the Glory chronicles the plight of a Catholic priest who, for eight years, has continued to say Mass and administer […]

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Themes and Characters

January 11, 2009 admin 0

The conflict between the novel’s two main characters, the “whisky priest” and the lieutenant, parallels the tension between the novel’s two overlapping themes-the spiritual theme […]

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Literary Qualities

January 11, 2009 admin 0

Greene uses several techniques that complement his religious themes. For example, the priest is detained three times when he is on the verge of escaping, […]

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Social Sensitivity

January 11, 2009 admin 0

Greene has always been a provocative, controversial writer, often offending people either because of their political or religious beliefs. Although there is nothing offensive about […]