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Literary Qualities

January 2, 2009 admin 0

Kino’s story is an allegory: his journey affords him a small amount of personal growth and a variety of lessons on which to reflect. An […]

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Social Sensitivity

January 2, 2009 admin 0

Written in the mid-1940s, The Pearl addresses numerous social issues that gained prominence at that time and that remained among the chief concerns of late […]

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Ideas and Topics for Papers

January 2, 2009 admin 0

VII TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Consider the following quote from The Pearl: “An accident could happen to these oysters, a grain of sand could lie […]

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January 2, 2009 admin 0

In the mid-1960s journalist and fiction writer Gabriel Jose Garcia Marquez was little known outside his native Colombia, having never sold more than 700 copies […]

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Gabriel Garcia Marquez

January 2, 2009 admin 0

In 1928, the year when more than 100 local strikers were massacred, Garcia Marquez was born in Aracataca, Colombia. His first years were spent with […]

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Plot Summary

January 2, 2009 admin 0

A The Founding of Macondo One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez tells the story of the Buendia family and the fictional town […]

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January 2, 2009 admin 0

A Mauricio Babilonia Always accompanied by yellow butterflies, Mauricio gains access to Meme through the roof over the bathtub, where a man once fell to […]

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January 2, 2009 admin 1

A Solitude The dominant theme of the novel, as evident from the title, is solitude. Each character has his or her particular form of solitude. […]

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January 2, 2009 admin 0

A Climax The Hungarian composer Bela Bartok fascinates Garcia Marquez and so the author constructed his novel along this composer’s line. For example, he configured […]