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Themes and Characters

January 2, 2009 admin 0

The small cast of characters in The Old Man and the Sea consists of Santiago, the old fisherman, and Manolin, the boy who has fished […]

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Literary Qualities

January 2, 2009 admin 0

Hemingway focuses on Santiago’s consciousness in this quest story. Very much in the way that a traditional soliloquy or an interior monologue serves to reveal […]

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Social Sensitivity

January 2, 2009 admin 0

Few writers have been more sensitive to nature, to the depths and the strengths of human character, and to the tragedy and the glory of […]

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Ideas and Topics for Papers

January 2, 2009 admin 0

VII TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Discuss the baseball imagery in the book. What does the “great DiMaggio” symbolize? What does the “bone spur” symbolize? 2. […]

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Related Titles

January 2, 2009 admin 0

In a general sense, all of Hemingway’s work is related to The Old Man and the Sea because as his last important work it represents […]

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About the Author

January 2, 2009 admin 0

John Steinbeck was born on February 27, 1902, in Salinas, California. He and his three sisters were raised by their parents in this small town […]

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January 2, 2009 admin 0

In a relatively short novel, Steinbeck is able to raise and discuss important human issues: the importance of friendship, the need for people to take […]

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January 2, 2009 admin 0

The action takes place in the 1930s on a ranch in the Salinas Valley in California. The novel opens with the major characters, George Milton […]

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Themes and Characters

January 2, 2009 admin 0

This short novel allows Steinbeck to focus his attention on one of the oldest issues in human relations: people’s responsibility for other people. George is […]

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Literary Qualities

January 2, 2009 admin 0

Steinbeck highlights the plight of his characters through his skillful use of imagery. The novel is filled with references to traps and entrapment. The frequent […]