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January 26, 2009 admin 0

Lord of the Flies became popular at the onset of the 1960s, a decade that witnessed an increase in both the number of teen-agers in […]

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January 26, 2009 admin 0

The action of Lord of the Flies takes place during World War II on a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Golding […]

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Themes and Characters

January 26, 2009 admin 0

The principal Characters of Lord of the Flies are English schoolboys ranging from young children to older adolescents. These young men represent the upper level […]

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Literary Qualities

January 26, 2009 admin 0

Critics often refer to Golding’s novels as religious myths or parables, stories written to illustrate a moral point. Lord of the Flies symbolically relates Golding’s […]

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Social Sensitivity

January 26, 2009 admin 0

It is significant that Golding, who comes from a social background identical to that of the schoolboys in Lord of the Flies, chooses to focus […]

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Topics for Discussion

January 26, 2009 admin 0

1. The schoolchildren in Lord of the Flies are left alone on the island without adult supervision. Does this account for the change in their […]

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Related Titles and Adaptations

January 26, 2009 admin 0

Several Golding novels with similar circumstances and Themes may be of interest to readers. Golding’s second published novel, The Inheritors, tells of an innocent group […]

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About the Author

January 26, 2009 admin 0

Kamala Markandaya (Kamala Purnaiya Taylor) was born in 1924 in Chimakurti, India. She is a Brahman, which is the highest caste of Hindu, yet she […]

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January 26, 2009 admin 0

Nectar in a Sieve centers around Rukmani, an Indian peasant woman, and her family: her husband Nathan, her daughter Irawaddy, and six sons. Rukmani enters […]